Build bi or multi directional data synchs by using our connections and channel APIs
Combine data from multiple sources and publish it to multiple channels
Split data from single source and then publish different versions of it to different channels
Build in context apps using Data APIs
Read the custom transformed data stored in our ETL to build apps that heavily depend upon fresh data
Delete any unneccssary data for a given connection to customize publishing for each of your channels
Automated Data mapping
AI mapping prediction
Use our AI based mapping APIs to map data from your source and target channels within seconds.
Our mapping APIs use a combination of GenAI and home grown algorithms to offer fast and accurate mappings.
Mapping management
Use our edit mapping APIs to then add custom rules and/or change the mappings all without writing a single line of code.
Read these mappings to build custom connectors in the programming language you prefer
CDC based synchs
Connect our CDC synchs to your existing integrations
Delta identification
Dont wait for hours to synch your data. This leads to significant loss by selling out of stock products, outdated product information or late payment refunds. Use our Delta APIs to spot delta and then publish it wherever whenever.
Send us your full data to our Transfer Delta APIs and spot Delta updates, replaces, inserts or deletes.
Delta Synchs
Then feed this Delta to any existing transformatio and push flows to publish data to any channels within minutes.
Use our Redis based CDC pipelines to generate near real time feeds.